Katrin Lasko


, originally uploaded by Lee Bader.

brunette teen selfshot


, originally uploaded by JoJo944.

double barrel


_MG_4345, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

women in charge


_MG_6406, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.



Shayla, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

My return of Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange Photo 1 of 2


Lady in black


Lady in black, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

police women


442, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

Door #1


Door #1, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

I Told That Bitch Not To...


teen brunette hottie


, originally uploaded by R3dShift.

her sweet morning


her sweet morning, originally uploaded by {jeen}.

Girl & Boa


Girl & Boa, originally uploaded by Valkarth.

Sexy Beautiful Woman Model


Sexy Beautiful Woman Model, originally uploaded by photodmia.

Sexy Smiling Beautiful Brunette Model


Sexy Beautiful Model


Sexy Beautiful Model, originally uploaded by photodmia.

Sexy Hottie Woman Model on the Tracks


Hot Model Against Brick Wall


Hot Model Against Brick Wall, originally uploaded by photodmia.

Beautiful Model with Amazing Brunette Hair


Sexy Beautiful Model Laying on the Ground


brunette hottie under a tree


, originally uploaded by zongo101.

hot Clara


, originally uploaded by Zouzanie.

Annissë with Gun - Padme Amidala


babe shotgun aiming at you


_MG_8725, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

Pro or Anti gun?


Pro or Anti gun?, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

Mariah with Mp5 with Aimpoint reticle/holo scope...

My pictures of women with guns seem to have stirred some sort of controversy between gun advocates and antigun people. I can't take credit for the idea, since almost every comic book and movie ever made already presented women with guns long before I was even born.

So the genre has long been out there before me, pretty much since guns ever existed. The only bad ass chick I can think of that didn't use a gun was Wonder Woman, but she could deflect bullets with her wristguards cuz she was Amazon, so the bitch was ready to encounter guns... Total complete opposites would be the Baroness from GI Joe, or La Femme Nikita(the original French film, not the TV series), Laura Croft, Underworld, Transporter, 007,etc etc, etc... but none of them had an invisible jet nor a "lasso of truth"... who needs a gun when you can deflect bullets and tie them up and have them spill their guts and then fly off in your own invisible jet to catch the head honcho... I wonder if any plane crashes out there were from pilots checking out Wonder Woman's cleavage in her Invisble jet... though that may be only conjecture, because if she were truly Amazon, her right breast would have been removed earlier in her life(or rather burned off as a child so it would not affect her archery according to Amazon mythology)...

Don't rag on guns so much, one of the best sharp shooters ever to exist was a woman named Annie Oakley... only people I've ever seen come even close are North Korean Commandos... and Annie could pick those guys off shooting backwards with a mirror...

Lighten up out there, at least my models get some gun safety training(hence, the finger off the trigger unless ready to fire), so whenever they come across a firearm, they know how to hold it and check to see if it's loaded(Good to know whether you like guns or not).

I am not opposed or against guns. I used to enjoy going to the firing range quite often back when I lived in Cali a few years back, but shooting pictures is cheaper than shooting bullets...

your ass is mine


your ass is mine, originally uploaded by scopevisions.

smoking betty page


smoking betty page, originally uploaded by Joe Cox photography.

brunette smoking


_MG_1323bw, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

chick with ozzy


_MG_2424, originally uploaded by pkimphoto.

borrila o non bollirla... questo è il dilemma


here I come , Maybe


Tocqueville yeahhh!!!


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